Keeping that post-massage feeling – top tips for massage aftercare
Jan 28, 2021

That pure sublime post-massage bliss is a feeling that you want to bask in for as long as possible. Here we share our best massage aftercare tips – from why you need to drink water after your massage to how to relieve pain. Armed with these tips, you’ll be able to maximise that post-massage feeling for the ultimate feel-good factor.
Massage aftercare advice
1. Water is your post-massage best friend
If we had to choose just one piece of massage aftercare advice, it would be this: drink plenty of water. Why drink water after a massage? Well there are a bundle of reasons.
During a massage, built-up toxins are released. That’s great, but they need to be expelled from your body. Your kidneys do the brilliant job of eliminating toxins from your system and they need water to work and push these free radicals out.
If you’re feeling lingering soreness after a deep tissue massage, water is also the primary solution. Simply drinking some extra water can help to shift soreness.
Massages can also be quite dehydrating. They usually take place in a nice warm environment and your massage therapist is actively encouraging your soft tissues to expel water. So the best thing to do after a massage is to have a lovely long drink of water to get your hydration back up.
2. How to relax after a massage
One of the best ways to capitalise on the post-massage wonderful feeling is to actively choose to stay relaxed. Don’t rush back out into normal life. Instead, have your massage at home where you can stumble into bed or to the couch for a little while.
We also really recommend relaxing the mind as well as the body. Put on some peaceful music, meditate, or simply read a good book. Another simple trick is some basic deep breathing. You’ll feel centred and calm.
3. Avoid alcohol or caffeine
We promise that if you avoid alcohol and caffeine after a massage for at least 12 hours or so, you will feel fab. Both are dehydrating and won’t help your body eliminate the toxins that are on the move thanks to the massage.
4. Take it easy
Should you work out after a massage? No. We’re giving you permission to skip that run or trip to the gym in the next 12 hours. Strenuous activity is best avoided for 12-24 hours after a massage as it will help ensure you benefit from relaxed muscles and overcome any lingering soreness. Getting back to high impact activity straight after a massage will simply halt the good post-massage feeling you’re trying to hold onto.
5. But don’t stay too still
However, whilst we recommend some relaxation and avoiding strenuous activity, don’t stay completely still either. If you’re back at a desk or screen, make sure you get up and move about occasionally. In the few hours after a massage, do some gentle stretches. This is one of the top tips we give people for how to relieve pain after massage. Move around, or go for a gentle walk. Hold stretches for around 30 seconds each to ensure they are most effective.
6. Book another massage!
Mentally you’ll hold onto that post-massage feeling longer if you know you’ve got your next massage already booked in. You can look forward to knowing that it won’t be long until you are in blissful massage heaven again. So, book in your next at-home massage.
7. Listen to your massage therapist
There are lots of different types of massage. At Secret Spa we offer massages ranging from vigorous deep tissue massage to utterly calming hot stone massage. Or maybe you’ll choose a sports massage or a pregnancy massage. Whichever type of massage you choose, you will receive aftercare advice from your massage therapist.
8. Correct your posture
A massage can really help to loosen muscles, enabling you to avoid the niggling pain of poor posture. However, if immediately after a massage you simply go back to your old poor posture habits then the same issue will build up again. Improve posture after your massage so that muscles relax into place with ease. Mentally scan your body. If you can feel a tense muscle then consciously relax it. If that’s tricky to do, tense the muscle more first and this will help you to actively relax it.
9. Don’t overeat
Many of us associate the treat of a massage with the treat of something yummy but naughty. However, you should be mindful of what to eat after a massage. Eat lightly and nutritiously. Your knowledge that you are treating your body in the right way, without processed sugars or carb heavy meals, will add to your sense of wellness.
10. How to relieve muscle soreness after deep tissue massage
If you’ve had an intense deep tissue massage, or your therapist was working hard on a particular tense spot, you may be experiencing some discomfort. Pain after a massage isn’t a bad thing per se. Headaches, soreness and sluggishness are all normal after-effects of a good massage, particularly a deep tissue one. They can be signs that muscle tenseness has been released and toxins are making their way out of your system. But it’s important to know how to relieve pain after a massage so that you can get back to basking in your post-massage glow.
All of the tips above will help. However, in addition, don’t push yourself. You can use an ice pack or soothe sore muscles in the bath. If it’s a headache that’s plaguing you then drink plenty of water.
Some residual soreness, mild headache, increased urination and thirstiness are all normal. But if you are worried then you should get in touch with your massage therapist, or speak to a doctor. Feeling re-balanced will come soon.
Blissful massages
We know how much you want to hold onto that fabulous feeling after a massage and with the above tips, you should be able to. Ready to book your next massage and get that feeling for yourself? Book your at-home massage today.
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